Performing Loan Management
Finint Revalue has been operating for over 25 years in credit management in all its phases: from the collection of regular loans, to extra-judicial recovery and judicial recovery.
Regular credit management is, in standard practice, tailored to the characteristics and needs of the Client; it may involve a thorough analysis of the credit portfolio, with customised solutions to improve the DSO and, more broadly, to reduce the average time in collecting credits.
This management includes, inter alia: the preparation of presentation flows of collection orders or SSD (Sepa Direct Debit), the automated management of return flows (both paid and unpaid), management and troubleshooting of alignment of codes, the assistance of customers in any problems related to credit or disputes, the automated sending and scheduling of payment reminders, telephone reminders of outstanding payments, etc.
In this stage it is also possible, in order to minimise outstanding payments, to apply the reminder call service before payments become due.