Credit & Asset Management

Specialised Services

Backed by twenty years in the service of Leasing companies and credit institutions, Finint Revalue provides the customer with all the technical skills needed to provide an all-round service, from credit management to asset management to guarantee transaction financing.

Our strengths:

  • transparency: all business operations can be seen on a web portal which reads the complete internal operating results on information, data and images.
  • effectiveness: over 2,000 notarial deeds per year throughout Italy, with a portfolio of 9,000 properties managed (credit management, tax and condominiums, notarial practices, zoning and land registers).

Finint Revalue develops products and services for the Client based on flexible programming and communication systems in order to facilitate event management phases, production cycles and operating structures, as well as real estate and plant technology management.

The markets on which Finint Revalue operates are:

  • real estate outsourcing for leasing
  • property & facility management of property portfolios owned by Real Estate companies, real estate funds and bank/insurance assets