Credit & Asset Management

Notarial and Cadastral Management Practices

Over twenty years of experience in real estate leasing enable Finint Revalue to act as a privileged partner in the management of redemptions and real estate events. Track record and experience, combined with technology, give our Client the guarantee of a quality service.

  • • Real Estate Redemption Management:
    • Administrative Back Office and front-end with notaries.
    • Procurator for notarial deeds.
    • Associated real estate practices.

    Finint Revalue operates on the product Real Estate Redemption backed by over 2,000 annual deeds managed: a full-service approach, fast and with SLA monitoring.

  • Property changes management:
    • o CILA start of works sworn notice
    • DIA start of works notice
    • SCIA certified report of activity start
    • Permission to build
    • Change of use

  • Cadastral registration management

  • Management of regularisation of previous cadastral discrepancies

Finint Revalue interprets the needs of users, provides the service and re-invoices the services provided on the client systems. For the Customer this means achieving margins on services where management today is becoming a problem.

The legal and technical know-how, combined with the network of professionals, solves the issue of volume and transforms critical issues into business opportunities.

Finint Revalue creates the "Electronic Dossier" visible on the B2B web, enabling data and documents to be viewed and queried.

The real estate file is then returned with the notarial deed recorded.